Sebastian Mallaby
校稿 maya86
翻译 蓝色三叶草
组长 jilang
This week, Britain's finance minister announced a new tax on big banks. Germany and France are considering similar measures to pay for future financial problems. President Obama proposed the idea for the United States in January. But how many countries will join Britain is not clear. 19 countries a…
本周,英国财政部长宣布向大银行征收新税。德国与法国也在酝酿类似措施,为未来可能出现的财政问题作准备。奥巴马总统在一月时曾建议美国采取此类方案。但最终到底会有多少国家会跟随英国的脚步现在仍不得而知。 19个非欧国家与欧盟共同组成了二十国集团,其中包括巴西、中国、印度和俄罗斯等发展中国家。美国对外关系委员会…