David Phillips
Gwendolyn Barker
Journal of General Internal Medicine
校稿 helenlt2006
翻译 wintervest
组长 frankcharles
Hospitals in the United States employ their newest medical residents every year in the month of July. David Phillips and Gwendolyn Barker believe there is a clear link between deadly medical errors and the arrival of new residents. They also examined hospitals without residency programs. They found …
美国医院每年7月都会新聘用一些驻院医师。 大卫·菲利普斯和格温德林·巴克认为这些新医师的到来与一些重大医疗事故之间有着直接的关系。他们也对那些没有采用实习计划的医院进行了检查,发现因为用药失误而造成的死亡并没有显著的增长。 驻院医师也许会在附属医院停留三年甚至更久的时间。他们的责任为护理病人,但是并不能…