Miz Kagan
Harvard Law School
Roman Catholics
Elena Kagan
校稿 maya86
翻译 蓝色三叶草
组长 jilang
Republicans in the Senate say they will ask about her lack of judicial experience during confirmation hearings. Several Supreme Court justices throughout history have had no earlier experience as a judge. Yet Miz Kagan would be the first in almost 40 years. She may also face opposition for an actio…
共和党的参议员称他们将在听证会上对她缺乏司法经验进行询问。历史上最高法院曾有几位法官在就任前没有经验,然而卡根却是近40年来的首位。 她也有可能因其在哈佛大学法学院担任院长期间审理的一项诉讼而遭到反对。她曾短期禁止军方征兵人员使用法学院的设施。她还声称禁止同性恋在军中服役的政策违背了哈佛大学反对性别歧视…