International Monetary Fund
Sebastien Galy
校稿 caroline*
翻译 小章丶Cat
组长 澈底
On Sunday, European countries promised to make 80,000,000,000 euros in loans available over the next 3 years. The International Monetary Fund promised 30,000,000,000. The quality of Greek government debt is now rated at "junk" levels. The high risk has investors demanding higher interest rates, and…
星期日,欧洲各国承诺在未来三年(向希腊)提供800亿欧元的借贷额。国际货币基金组织则承诺提供300亿。 如今希腊政府的债务质量被公认为“垃圾”层次。高风险使得投资者要求更高的银行利率,不仅仅是在希腊债务上。 葡萄牙和西班牙的信用等级也降低了。在最近几天中这两国都向信贷市场借贷,而且都要付比德国高出很多的利息…