校稿 maya86
翻译 李奇亮
组长 jilang
Boots are heavy or strong shoes. People who are too big for their boots think they are more important than they really are. I dislike such people. I really do. You can bet your boots on that. Yet, truly important people are hard to replace. Rarely can you fill their shoes or replace them with someon…
靴子是一种沉重结实的鞋。too big for their boots的人(即自负的人)把自己想得比实际重要。我不喜欢这样的人,真的。你可以bet your boots(赌上你的靴子,即深信不疑)。然而,真正重要的人是难以替代,你很少能fill their shoes(适合他们的靴子,即取代他们)或完全取代他们。 我父亲是一个重要的人,他经营一家大公司…