Millennium Development Goals
United Nations Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon
Jacques Diouf
U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization
校稿 龙猫08
翻译 olivertt
组长 莜珍
World leaders are meeting in New York to discuss progress on the Millennium Development Goals they set 10 years ago. 5 years remain to meet 8 goals to reduce hunger, poverty and disease and expand education. On Monday, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened a 3-day summit meeting of 140…
世界各国领导人就十年前制定的新千年发展目标的进程在纽约进行会晤。五年内仍要完成八项目标来实现饥饿、贫穷、疾病的减少和发展教育。 周一,联合国秘书长潘基文召开了为期三天的峰会,届时有140位国家总统和首相参与本次会议。潘基文要求各国加强努力来实现目标,他表示我们所做的还远远不够。他说,经济危机不能成为限制…