校稿 龙猫08
翻译 olivertt
组长 莜珍
This week, we tell about health problems linked to extreme heat. We tell what experts suggest to prevent and treat these problems. Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world. Although hot weather just makes most people feel hot, it can cause serious medical problems, even death. Floo…
本周,我们来说一说酷暑引起的健康问题。我们会讲讲专家们对预防和应对这些问题的建议。 酷暑天气在世界很多地方都很常见。尽管在这种天气下大部分人只是感觉热,但是它能够引起严重的疾病,甚至死亡。 每年有成千上万的人因洪水、暴风雨和其他自然现象而死亡。酷暑也是其中之一。专家说,酷暑可能是自然界最致命的杀手。 例…