



This week, a new economic report confirmed what most Americans already believe to be true: over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier. In fact, the average income for the top one percent of Americans has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed. Now, in this country, we don't begrudge anyone wealth or success – we encourage it. We celebrate it. But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead – not just those at the top of the income scale. The more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers. Rebuilding an economy where everyone has the chance to succeed will take time. Our economic problems were decades in the making, and they won't be solved overnight. But there are steps we can take right now to put people back to work and restore some of the security that middle - class Americans have lost over the last few decades.
这周以来, 一个新的经济报告确认了这对我们美国人来说是真的:在过去的30年里,富的越来越富,相对的,中层阶级则利益受损.事实上,在平均收入的增长度上,最富裕的那百分之十,其平均收入的增长度几乎是中层阶级的7倍.而且这种情况还是发生在这种情况下——无论是医疗消费还是大学费用都在飞速增长. 在这个国家,我们不必羡慕任何人的富有或者成功——我们鼓励每个人都能拥有它.我们为之而庆祝.但是美国的经济状况良好是指每个美国公民都有机会去超越别人——而不仅仅是那些最富有的人.越多的美国人富有, 美国就越昌盛. 重建一个能让每个人都有机会去成功的经济体系将要花费一段时间. 我们现在的经济问题是几十年的积累造成的,并且这并不是一夜之间就能得到解决的.但是这里有我们现在能采取的措施,去让人民重新获得工作,并且能让中层阶级去获得他们在过去几十年以来所失去的保证. ——译文来自: 一个半傻瓜