With oil around one hundred dollars a barrel, this may be a good time for a short history of petroleum. Petroleum has been important since ancient times. The Greek historian Herodotus told of its use in the form of pitch for building and road making in the ancient city of [w]Ba…
随着油价达每桶100美元左右,这可能是介绍石油简史的好时机。 从远古时代,石油就很重要。希腊历史学家希罗多德提到过在巴比伦古城,即现在的伊拉克,石油就以沥青的形式被用于修建房屋和马路。 在拉丁语中,该名称的意思是“岩石油”。石油是一种化石燃料。这种液体来自于死于百万年前植物和动物的残骸。随着时间的推移,这…