

Fernando Pages: One of the tenets of green building is sparing resources – not using so much lumber, not using so much concrete, not using so many [-----1-----] in the construction of a house.

You are listening to Fernando Pages, President of Brighton Construction, in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Fernando Pages: [-----2-----]. If you use less lumber, you don’t have to buy it. So affordable and green go together.

Pages builds low-cost 'green' homes designed to be affordable in themselves, without the need for government [-----3-----]. Making that work, he said, takes intelligent design and fastidious quality control – from the nails to two-by-fours, to shingles.

Fernando Pages: And so, we really 'value-engineer', or study every single [-----4-----] of the home construction to see where and how we can deliver a very high-quality product — energy efficient, durable — with, if possible, zero warrant calls. And at the same time, at the very, very best price.

Pages said the green building concept has caught on very quickly, though builders are still learning about how best to use the new green materials.

Fernando Pages: I think you're going to see a very different construction industry 10-15 years from now than you have now. There'll be a lot more sophistication, and it requires that the green building is really advanced building. It really is [-----5-----]building.

natural resources Of course, when you use less to build a house, it also costs less. subsidies facet high-performance