Chris Brasheer
Doctors Without Borders
Democratic Republic of Congo
Chiara Lepora
Penelope Poulou
Nobel Peace Prize
校稿 龙猫08
翻译 olivertt
组长 莜珍
Another doctor in the film, Australian Chris Brasheer, has been with Doctors Without Borders for 9 years. He has served in the Democratic Republic of Congo and spent time in Liberia. He describes some of the conditions he faced. Doctors Without Borders was established in 1971 by doctors and journali…
影片中的另一位医生,澳大利亚的克里斯•布拉什尔,加入无国界医生组织九年了。他在刚果和利比里亚从事志愿活动。他描述了他的亲身经历。 1971年,法国的医生和记者成立了无国界医生组织。今天,这个组织在近60个国家提供人道医学救援。 该组织表示,平均每天有将近27000名医生、护士、外国救援者和其他当地团队人员一起工作…