Institute of International Education
Allan Goodman
校稿 forever秋懵
翻译 小章丶Cat
组长 澈底
This week, the Institute of International Education in New York published its yearly report on international students in the United States. The report says more than 690,000 attended American colleges and universities during the last academic year. That number was a record high. It was an increase …
本周,纽约国际教育研究院发布了关于留美学生的年度报告。报告显示,上一学年间,有超过69万的留学生进入美国高校学习。 此数据可谓是创历史新高,与前年相比增长了3个百分点。造成这一现象的主要原因是中国留学生的与日俱增。中国已成为往美国输送留学生最多的国家,赶超了印度。 该研究院院长艾伦·古德曼称,可能是经济危…