Andrew Jackson
Ulysses S. Grant
Benjamin Franklin
Great Seal
Lincoln Memorial
Treasury Building
Capitol building
Independence Hall
校稿 DeniseGu
翻译 michellexxx
组长 蓝色三叶草
Andrew Jackson was the 7th president, serving from 1829 to 1837. He supported popular democracy and individual liberty. His picture is on the 20-dollar bill. Another president is on the 50-dollar bill. Ulysses S. Grant served from 1869 to 1877. Before serving as president, Grant was the military co…
安德鲁•杰克逊是第七任总统,任职期从1829年到1837年。他倡导大众民主和个人自由。他的头像出现在20美元的纸币上。 另一位总统的头像出现在50美元的纸币上。尤利西斯•S•格兰特总统的任期是1869年到1877年。在就任总统之前,格兰特是南北战争中联邦军的总司令。在他的指挥下,联邦军打败了同盟军。 那么100美元纸币上的会…