Ed Cowle
Jim Sims
Mountain Pass
Mount Weld
校稿 蓝色三叶草
翻译 michellexxx
组长 蓝色三叶草
The company has not started mining yet. It still has to get permits and work with other businesses to put operations in place. Ed Cowle says a lot of work remains. "I would say that conservatively the earliest that we could open the mine has to be 6 to 7 years." Another American company is Molycorp.…
公司在正式开采之前仍需得到采矿许可及其他商业伙伴的配合。艾德•考尔说还有很多工作要做。 “保守估计,我们最早在六七年之后才能开矿。” 另一个美国公司是钼业公司。公司公共事务主管吉姆•斯姆斯称钼业公司已经开始每年开采3千吨稀土。这使得美国成为世界第二大稀土产出国,但与第一名仍有很大差距。 “钼业公司是西半…