Ms. Verclas
Katrin Verclas
校稿 maya86
翻译 瞥未草青
组长 jilang
Ms. Verclas says the creator of a project is the one responsible for declaring it a failure. Ms. Verclas says the creator of a project is the one responsible for declaring it a failure. She says profit-making businesses talk more about failure than nonprofit organizations do. "We have to report to d…
韦克莱斯女士称一个项目的创始人有责任披露此项目的失败经历。她认为,盈利性企业比非营利性组织在失败这方面讨论的更多。 我们必须向捐助人汇报运作情况,他们不愿意看到不好的经营结果。作为非盈利性组织,我们也不愿看到失败。所以,我们有一种强调成功却从不谈及失败的倾向。 凯特琳·韦克莱斯称她希望随着时间的推移,…