EarthSky In the Pacific Ocean, island governments are using science to plan for climate extremes and eventually prepare for long-term climate change. That's according to Eileen Shea, chief of the Climate Services Division of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center. Eileen Shea: Many jurisdictions in the Pacific islands are already using climate information, information about year-to-year variability in rainfall associated with El Nino to plan for water resource management. Or to think about agriculture and livestock issues. There are tens of thousands of islands in the Pacific Ocean. Shea said that because these low-lying places are particularly vulnerable to hurricanes and sea level rise, governments there have to make decisions based on climate science. She gave the example of improving a road in the Federated States of Micronesia, an island nation made up of over 600 islands. Eileen Shea: They began to think about what they should do to plan for sea level rise. Can we raise the height of the road? And can we set up the shoulders in such a way that it’s easier for water to run off, so the road won’t flood as often as it might in an era of sea level rise, with storm surge on top of it? Our thanks today to NOAA Pacific Services Center. EarthSky is a clear voice for science.
在太平洋地区,岛国的国家政府正在运用科学来为极端气候做准备,并且最终做好对长期气候变化的准备。我们正在采访的是NOAA国家气候数据中心气候服务部的领导人,艾琳·舍。 艾琳·舍:许多在太平洋岛屿的管辖区正在运用气候信息——有关于与圣婴现象相联系的降雨年变化数据来为水资源的管理做计划,或者考虑有关农业与家畜的问题。 在太平洋地区有上万个岛屿,舍说,因为这些低洼地区在飓风和海平面升高方面的防治尤其薄弱,因此,根据气候科学,政府必须作出决定。舍把在麦克罗尼西亚联合州——一个由超过600个岛屿组成的岛国改建一条道路作为一个例子。 艾琳·舍:他们开始考虑,对于海平面升高他们应该做些什么。能够提高路面高度吗?能够把路肩设计成易于排水的方案,以便在海平面上升与风暴横行的时代防治马路被淹吗? 谨此大力鸣谢NOAA太平洋地区服务中心。