
1.逻辑表达错误 2.介词使用错误 3.代词使用错误 4.非谓语动词使用错误 5.主谓语前后不一致错误  6.名词的错误 7.代词使用错误 8.冠词的错误 9.句子结构的错误 10.时态语态和语气的使用错误 11.易混淆词的使用错误。



1 . 指代错误。主要是第三人称代词指代的误用;不定代词 one those 与人称代词 you them 的混用及人于指物的误用等。 2. 关系代词的误用。主要为 that which who which as which 的误用; what that 的混用。 3. 形式代词 it this that 的误用。如: find this important to preview the lesson (这里的 this 应改为形式宾语 it )。

4. 不定代词的误用。主要为不定代词与指示代词 these 或人称代词的误用; someone/somebody everyone/everybody 被误用作复数指代; some- any- 集合成代词与 no- 类合成代词的混用等。



A knowledge of several languages is essential to

other majors’ study because without them one                               1.__________

can read books only in translation.


本句中 without them 指的是:没有几们语言的知识。这里错误地使用了 them 来指代 a knowledge of several languages ,因为其中 knowledge 是中心词,所以要把 them 改为 it


To be frank, that is a great relief to have the task                            1.__________

fulfilled in so short a time.


本句中 that 指的是“ to have the task fulfilled in so short a time ”,前者是后者的形式主语,而形式主语只能是 it ,因此必须把 that 改为 it


The teacher asked them who had completed their                            1.__________

tests to leave the room as quietly as possible.


这句话看似没有错误,结果也十分完整,然而,它将代词宾格 them 与指示代词 those 的用法混淆了。因为一般来说,人称代词后面应该保留有修饰成分,如果保留 them ,那么这句话则必须改为: The teacher asked them to leave the room as quietly as possible. 这不符合修改的规则,故只能将 them 改为 those ,此时 those 作为指示代词,后面可以接有从句成分。


Western culture tends to ignore or take it for granted                      1.__________

the non-verbal part of conversations, defining good

communication as " speaking well" .

 本句中, it 作为形式主语,一般用于结构“ take it for granted that… ”,然而本句中没有出现从句,而只有名词短语“ the non-verbal part of conversation ”作为宾语,因此不需要形式宾语,应该将 it 删去。  




1 First and most important is its extraordinary receptive

and adaptable heterogeneousness --- the ease

and readiness with that has taken to itself material                            1.__________

from almost everywhere in the world and has made

the old elements of language its own.


2 In most advanced English courses, time is usually

set aside for conversation lessons. This can be                                 2.__________

the most difficult and most rewarding of all

the lessons the teacher is called upon to conduct.


3 They gain such mental food that few companions                           3.__________

can supply. Even while resting from their labors

they are, through the books they read, equipping

themselves to perform those labors more inefficiently.


4 Before the time of Galileo, learned men believed

that large bodies fell more rapidly towards the earth

than small one, because Aristotle said so.                                         4.__________


5 But Galileo, going to the top of the Leaning Tower

of Pisa, let fall two unequal stones, and proved to some

friends, he had brought there to see his experiment,                         5.__________

that Aristotle was in error.


6 Deep in the dense forest these tourists finally

found the place where they visited ten years ago.                              6.__________


7 It was a beautifully decorated ancient house which                          7.__________

door opened to the east.


8 What has been left was a table in one corner of

the living-room which two legs were broken.                                     8.__________


9 Some people think of the protection of our

environment as the mere protection of a few

animals and flowers. Actually natural conversation

is far from that some people imagine to be.                                      9.__________


10 It has become a question of whether man can

survive at all in the world in which he is creating.                               10.__________



