

Latin America's

Today, small farmers in rural Latin America live year to year, in hopes that weather and food prices remain good. [---1---] Walter Baethgen works in Latin America with Columbia University's International Research Institute for Climate and Society.

Walter Baethgen: [---2---]

[---3---] Baethgen told EarthSky that this variability could especially threaten the livelihoods of small farmers like those in Latin America.

Walter Baethgen: [---4---]


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But what if climate extremes such as droughts or floods were to happen year after year? If you can imagine a climate scenario in which those disaster years become more frequent, that means of the farmers who have a real tough time in establishing production systems. Many scientists predict that global warming will lead to greater variability in climate. Everything we do today to help those societies to be better adapted to the droughts, to the floods, we'll make those same societies less vulnerable to future climate conditions. Baethgen believes the first steps to creating stability for Latin America's farmers are diversifying crops, establishing irrigation systems, and offering cheap agricultural insurance.