
The Step Pyramid
Great Pyramid
Eiffel Tower
Could you tell me about these pictures? The pyramids were built around 3000 to 2500 BC and are one of the most impressive monuments of the ancient world. They were built as tombs for the pharaohs, the rulers of Egypt. The first Pharaohs built simpler tombs, called mastabas. These mastabas were square buildings with a room inside for the coffin and the mummy and some things to take with you to the afterlife. Like this over here in the picture? Yes. Then they began to build mounds of earth on top of their mastabas, to make them grander. Ordinary princes and other aristocrats went on being buried in mastabas. The Step Pyramid is one of the first of these new fancy tombs. But, the pyramids we know all have filled in steps. Yes, a short time after these were built, the Egyptians decided to fill in the steps, and then made them more pointed on top. The ones in Giza are this style, right? I think they are the most well-known, everyone in the world must have seen a picture of them. Yes, the ones in Giza were built following this design. Khufu's Great Pyramid was the tallest building on earth for almost 5,000 years, until the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889.
你能告诉我关于这些图片吗? 金字塔建立在公元前3000年到公元前2500年,它们是古代世界留给人们印象最深刻的遗迹之一。金字塔是埃及统治者—法老们坟墓。第一个法老的坟墓,构建简单,称为墓。这些墓是方形的建筑,里面有小房间,用来乘装棺材,木乃伊和一些能够伴你到来世的随葬品。 像图片里这个地方那样的吗? 是的。然后他们开始在各自的墓上建立土丘,显示他们的伟大。普通的首领和其他贵族被埋在了墓里。阶梯金字塔是最早采用这种新建造方式的坟墓。 但是,我们都知道金字塔已经布满了台阶。 是的,这些都是在建立后不久,埃及人才决定去填补上台阶,并更加突出了顶部。 在吉萨的那些就是这个风格的,对吗?它们那么有名,每个人都一定曾经在画中见过。 是的,那些在吉萨建造的就是采用这种设计。直到1889年埃菲尔的建立,结束了胡夫金字塔作为世界上最高建筑将近5000年的历史。 ——译文来自: wj20042004