

Kung Fu
Jackie Chan
Bruce Lee
Hi, I hope you can help me. I want to get fit, but I hate going to the gym. I want to try something different, any ideas? What about Kung Fu? Like in a Jackie Chan movie? I don't know... There's much more to Kung Fu than Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee. Kung Fu is an art form and also, very good for you. OK, tell me more. Many styles of Kung Fu are based on the ideas of nature. Ancient boxing masters often developed their fighting techniques by observing the world around them. Animals, birds, and insects provided the basis for many systems of Kung Fu developed in the past. So, I could learn to fight like a bird? Kind of ... there are many different styles but they take years to master. What about Shaolin? How is that linked? Many of the hard forms of Kung Fu came from a Buddhist monastery called "Shaolin".
hi ,我想让身体更健康一些,但我却极其厌恶去健身房,我希望你能帮助我,有什么好方法吗? 功夫怎么样? 像成龙演的电影里的那些吗? 我不确定。。。 功夫远不止成龙或是李小龙表演的那些。功夫是门艺术,对你很有好处的。 好吧,说来听听 功夫的很多招式都取材于大自然。古代的拳击大师通常都是通过观察外部世界来发明新的动作。过去很多门派的功夫招式都是根据动物,鸟类,以及昆虫的动作形成的。 所以,我可以学会像鸟一样去搏斗吗? 恩差不多,功夫有很多种类,需要花费很多年来学习。 那少林和功夫有什么联系? 功夫中的很多厉害招式都是来自少林,也就是佛祖的寺庙。 ——译文来自: amywangHJ