资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖Party Planning〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
Kevin and Lo decide to have a housewarming party.
A: We have worked so hard on our apartment, and now everything is set! The dishwasher is ____1____, the furniture is all arranged, we need to invite our friends and ____2____ over to see this place!
B: I'm always up for a party! So who should we invite?
A: Well, I was thinking we could invite most of the people in our workgroup, and anyone else you've gotten to be friends with in the office as well. Do you think we should invite our boss?
B: Yeah, why not? She's really nice and she isn't that much older than us. I think it would be fun.
A: What should we do at the party? I'm not a big ____3____ of ____4____ games.
B: Me neither. Let's have a dinner party. We can set up a bigger table in the TV room and then we can all eat together!
A: I like that idea! Some good food, some nice music, and of course free, unlimited ____5____ of the apartment!
B: I can't wait to show off our new place!

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

installed coworkers fan cheesy tours
<本期重点词汇> If someone is not a big "fan" of something, 表示某些人不喜欢这些活动. housewarming party 乔迁之喜聚会 coworker n.同事, 合作者 <参考译文> A: 这个家把我们累坏了,现在每件事情都好了!洗碗机装上了,家具也摆放停当了。我们应该请朋友和同事来我们家庆祝一下! B: 想到这个聚会我就很兴奋,我们请谁呢? A: 我想我们可以请我们工作组里的大部分人,还有你办公室里的朋友。你说我们是不是应该请老板来? B: 当然要,为什么不呢?她人很好而且也不大我们很多,我想她来一定很有意思。 A: 你觉得我们在聚会的时候搞点什么活动?我不喜欢那些老套的游戏。 B: 我也是。我们还是搞一个晚宴吧。我们在电视房里放一张大桌子,大家可以一起吃饭。 A: 好主意。一些美食、非常好听的音乐。当然还包括在家里无限制的自由参观。 B: 我都等不及想要给大家看看我们的新房子了。