Fourth of July
Independence Day
校稿 reallyyan
翻译 shellyray163
组长 ilmalfoy
The expression fireworks gets its meaning from the fireworks that people shoot into the sky when they are celebrating a great event. Rockets explode to fill the dark, night sky with bright reds and blues, with yellows and greens and whites. The expression also means a great show of noisy anger, …
“fireworks” 这个词语的意思最初是因人们为庆祝一项重大活动向空中燃放烟花而得来。烟火的燃放点亮了漆黑的夜空,使其变得五颜六色,缤纷多彩。 这个词语也表示非常生气或者异常兴奋。例如,辩护律师可能就某些会对被告有所影响的证据情绪激动地与政府律师争论。法官最后制止了他们的激烈争执并把两人叫到前面,并告诉…