我们到底吃了多少水?人们常常会很好奇这个问题,最近在北京的一家餐馆,人们可以看到每道菜的water footprint,这样人们就会知道每道菜用了多少水了。

The restaurant is in Qianmen, one of the oldest areas in Beijing. There are plenty of tourists walking around, but one foreign woman catches my eye. She walks into Tian Hai and picks up the menu.

"I see how much water is used in every dish and it's quite interesting because I can see that a meat stew with baked wheat cake uses 7080 litres of water. Incredible. I couldn't have imagined that this would use so much water."
Gulnara Petzold has just been introduced to "the water footprint." It's the amount of water it takes…from start to finish…to create something. That "something" can be textiles, furniture, petrol…and a meal.

"1012 litres for growing soya beans for bean curd. 498 litres for growing wheat for pancakes…"
The water footprint menu was created for Beijing Design Week by "waterwonder," an organization that's raising awareness about H20 issues around the world.According to waterwonder, more than a third of the world's population lives in water-scare areas.

And with population growth and climate change, the situation is getting worse every year. Kari Korkman is with waterwonder.

"It's important for all the people, no matter where they are, China or in England or Finland, to pay attention to the consumption of water. It's one of the big big issue in the future. Will definitely be something that our children and grandchildren are having real problems."

Korkman says the water footprint menu makes people think twice about what they eat.Compared to vegetables, cows, sheep, pigs and chickens require far more water to survive.
That's why is takes five-thousand and eighty-nine litres of water to bring braised pork slices to your table, while a plate of stir fried cabbage only requires six-hundred and seven litres of H20.
Those statistics, compiled by Aalto University in Finland, surprised Wang Yan Yan.

"Maybe I will pay more attention to conserve water by eating less meat."
Gulnara Petzold is on the same wavelength.

"Yeah I'm kind of nearly vegetarian. So I'm kind of more convinced to be even more vegetarian."
Tian Hai in Beijing is the first restaurant that waterwonder has created a water footprint menu for.
But it's not the last.It will make more for eateries in Paris, Helsinki and Shanghai. They'll be called "waterworld cafes."
For CRI, I'm Yang Yong.

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