
家住格兰维尔萨米特(Granville Summit)的Sherry Vargson就深受其害:她家的水龙头“出气”是如此之多,以至于她能够直接拿出一根火柴在水龙头下方点燃,完全无视哗啦啦的水流。由于水里夹杂的甲烷太多,她必须常备一个大水壶用来放水、让里头的甲烷气泡们统统跑掉再用。

Citizens of Granville, PA can set their tap water on fire

Since June of last year, Granville, Pennsylvania's Sherry Vargson has had to cook using water, not from her tap, but from a five gallon jug.
从去年六月开始,格兰维尔的居民Sherry Vargson就不得不从一个5加仑的大水壶中取烧饭用的水,而不是直接通过水龙头取水。

Why, you ask? Well, according to the Wall Street Journal, Ms. Vargson's tap water contains so much methane gas that when she lights a match beside her faucet, a gigantic flame bursts into her sink. That's why.

The WSJ's Mustafa Abdulaziz writes:
《华尔街日报》的Mustafa Abdulaziz这样写道:

Many water supplies in northern Pennsylvania have long contained detectable levels of methane, because of poorly constructed water wells and the unusual geologic features here. But the contamination in Ms. Vargson's existing well is among the first cases that state regulators have attributed to natural-gas drilling.

Pennsylvania sits on top of some of the country's most gas-rich shale in the United States, making it a veritable gold mine for companies looking to harvest natural gas by deep-drilling and fracking. But stories like Vargson's beg the question: couldn't this energy be harvested without the unfortunate side effect of, you know, setting people's kitchens aflame?


居民们将矛头指向了当地发达的天然气钻探业,指出他们频繁使用的水力压裂法(hydraulic fracturing)是这一现象的元凶,而天然气公司们则表示甲烷到底是怎么会进到水管里的他们也不清楚,但就算真的是因为钻探而导致甲烷泄露进入水管,那也是因为水井的设计不好,不是他们的错。
