Concerns over climate change and financial matters have become sufficiently widespread to take words and phrases associated with them into the latest edition of a major dictionary.

Many new terms in The Chambers Dictionary come from worries about today's world.

On the environment, people keep an anxious eye on ''season creep'' - the observed changes in the timing of the seasons, especially earlier indications of spring.

And to try to stop it happening, they don't just recycle, but also ''upcycle'' (turn waste products into higher value products), and ''precycle'' (reduce waste by avoiding buying products with a lot of packaging).

The recession, having hit high street banks (and savers' accounts), has also had an impact on the new edition of the dictionary.

Words such as ''toxic assets'', ''double-dip'' and ''overleveraged'' (having borrowed too much money and being unable to pay it back) have all entered the book.

Hundreds of new words have been added to the forthcoming edition - and nearly a quarter derive from internet culture.

So we see ''minisode'', a heavily abridged version of a TV show, especially broadcast online, and ''crowdsourcing'', which reflects the internet's power to reach large numbers of people at the click of a mouse.

The dictionary features more than 620,000 words, phrases and definitions and offers some witty definitions, for example ''man flu'' (facetious) - a heavy cold (from the idea that men tend to exaggerate the seriousness of the condition).


与生态环境有关:如碳足迹(carbon footprint)、绿色税收(green tax)、电烟雾(elctrosmog,计算机和移动电话发射的电磁场)、生态村(eco-village)等。

政治经济类词汇:如信贷紧缩(credit crunch)、误中(blue-on-blue)、非常规引渡(extraordinary rendition)、观察名单(watch list)等。

新闻时尚类词汇:Wags(是Wives and girlfriends的首字母缩写,最早是新闻小报指英格兰国家足球队队员们的妻子和女朋友,现在并不专指)、时尚前沿(fashion-forward)、美甲吧(nail bars)、社交网络(social networking)等。

科学技术领域术语:如蓝光(Blu-ray)、量子计算机(quantum computer,利用量子力学原理工作的计算机)、超材料(metamaterial,一种人造的材料,具有天然材料所不具备的超常物理性质,这种特性的获得不在于物质的成分,而在于物质的某种结构。)等。

美食词汇:爽心美食(comfort food,自己在家做的一种简单的、熟悉的食品和饮料,能够从中找到温馨熟悉的感觉)、海带鲣鱼汤(Dashi,源于日语的“出汁”,是用海带鲣鱼熬制的调味汤)、泰式炒河粉(Pad thai)等。
