Driving a car: There's an app for that! But it took a team of engineers to rig it up. Wrenches on the pedals, a chain looped on the steering wheel, a phone controlling it all. The ride itself, they say, is a bit jerky. But the car can rocket from zero to sixty in, well, it doesn't. It's actually more like zero to 35. Eventually. It's not blazing speed, but when they're operating from a car with a phone, sitting from the hood.

You gotta give 'em a brake. I mean, they always wanna steer for safety. These puns starting to grind your gears? Are we driving you crazy? Well, my name is Car-l Azuz. We'll be rolling your way next Monday and Tuesday, so please be sure to tune in before the Thanksgiving holiday. Meanwhile, have a great weekend.
你得控制住刹车,事实上,行驶安全是大家都希望的。这些双关语让你难以理解?你要被弄疯了嘛?我是主持人Car-l Azuz。我们下周一二再见,所以在感恩节前请做好调整。祝周末愉快!

注:《CNN学生新闻》每周五期(星期六、日停播)。在每期节目的尾声,主持人Carl Azuz还会说几个双关语。透彻了解这些资料有利于你更好地听懂新闻内容,更深入地了解美国社会和文化。