(视频来源:TTV香港旅游电视频道,INSIDE HONG KONG节目。)


The suits should be heading out or chilling out by now. And the party people should be arriving to claim the night. Lan Kwai Fong is an excellent location for people watching. Narrow streets are mostly close to traffic. Our recommendation, find a bar and a seat or table with a good view for watching the action.


LKF attracts people from all over the world, and definitely makes for interesting people watching. As the night wears on, there are plenty of restaurants to choose from, and the later it gets, the busier it gets. In LKF, it is quite easy to find ourselves staying so long that we stumble out into the daylight. There are actually a few pubs that have become popular for dancing while it’s daylight.



#老生# 五十多家酒吧餐馆,几乎看不见一处中文店招,那种非常深色的装修,简易的吧台,狭窄的店堂,洁净的餐具,本色的桌椅,以及暮色四合时才摆放在门口写着饮品甜品的英文告示板,和欧洲、和美洲、和异域所见毫无二致,只有那汉字标明的“德己立街”和“云咸街”的路牌在提醒你:这是在中国,这是在HONG KONG。

#常言来道# 香港不大,酒吧不少。富有小资情调的兰桂坊,灯红酒绿的湾仔骆克道,流光溢彩的九龙尖沙嘴,都是酒吧集中的区域。随便走进斜坡上哪家小酒馆都有很帅的Bar Tender调着最正宗的酒。人总是很多,也总是很热闹。全香港最孤独的人都凑到一起的时候,是没有寂寞的。兰桂坊虽是香港白领出没之地,但消费并不昂贵。一杯鸡尾酒也不过二三十港元,一杯加冰的伏特加50元港币,酒吧还为所有客人免费提供花生、无花果等小食品。不过,在香港酒吧饮酒,与内地酒吧有很大区别,每次叫酒水,都要随即付费,一般还要付给酒吧服务员一定小费。




