No Matter If You Work or Stay Home, Being a mum sucks

A new survey says that practically all mothers are stressed out, no matter if they work or stay at home. No one said this was going to be easy!

小编小注:stress out即“压力大”“力不从心”“心力交瘁”
例:I feel stressed out last week because of the tests.上周的测试搞得我有点心力交瘁。

The study, done by and Forbes Woman showed that 92% of working moms were stressed out, but so were 89% of stay-at-home moms. Well, when you have a bunch of whining, sniveling simpletons wailing at you to meet their every need and then you have to leave the office and deal with the same thing at home, it's gonna cause some stress. But we guess it doesn't even matter if women try to "have it all" anymore, because it's gonna suck no matter what happens.

The women reported that the No. 1 cause of their stress was that their partners didn't help out enough with the parenting duties. Oh, that's so like women. Just go blaming the men. The way to relieve their stress was either by telling their partners to do more or talking to other mothers about stress. Yup, nagging and bitching. Women. Sheesh!