The Manchester United star (See Note 1), Wayne Rooney, has a nose that has been deemed among the most appealing by an academic who has completed what he claims is the first survey of its type to classify and record the different shapes of the human nose. Kate Middleton (See Note 2) can also claim an attractive nose. Her nose shape is one that is frequently painted by artists, suggesting that its shape must be aesthetically pleasing.

NOTE 1: Manchester United is an English professional football (or soccer in American English) club. It is one of the wealthiest and most widely supported football teams in the world. The club is said to be worth £1.13 billion, making it the most valuable football club in the world.

NOTE 2: Duchess Catherine Middleton, more popularly known as “Kate,” is the wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (England). Their royal wedding was internationally popular and they married on 29 April 2011.

However, those with snub noses such as Rooney are often viewed as lacking in maturity. Professor Abraham Tamir toured shopping centres in Europe and Israel, taking candid photographs of people with interesting noses. This revealed there to be 14 types of nose, with classifications ranging from ‘fleshy’ to ‘celestial’.

The most common, particularly among men, was the fleshy nose, best illustrated by Prince Philip. Professor Tamir says those with such a nose are likely to be generous, emotional, helpful and sensitive. In the professor’s opinion, both the ‘fleshy’ and the ‘hawk’ – such as Barbra Streisand’s – are among the least attractive.

The Roman nose, seen on actor Tom Cruise, was sported by almost 9 per cent, who were ambitious, courageous and clear-thinking. Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe joins the 9 per cent who sported an aquiline nose, said to symbolise (See Note 3) a cool tactician with a business mind.

NOTE 3: In American English, symbolise is spelt with a ‘z,’ but if you are reading British English, you will see symbolise being spelt with an ‘s.’ Both spellings are correct. You may you either of them, depending on the context of your writing.

Some 13 per cent had celestial noses, with celebrity examples including actress Carey Mulligan (See Note 4). These, the professor believes, are most attractive along with the snub noses. Simon Withey, of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (See Note 5), said the results would have been different had the survey been done in another part of the world.

NOTE 4: Carey Mulligan is an English actress. Some of her most famous roles include Jenny in the movie ‘An Education,’ and Katy H in ‘Never Let Me Go.”

NOTE 5: British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) is based at The Royal College of Surgeons and was established for the advancement of education and safety in Aesthetic Surgery.
