The Idea from Leonardo da Vinci  来自达·芬奇的启示


The design of the contact lens can be traced back to Leonardo da Vinci who, with a bowl of water, kicked off the whole cringe-worthy history. In a manual published in 1509, da Vinci noted that when you stick your face in water, you see things differently. He wasn't really talking about correcting vision at this point, but manipulating the cornea's power is the idea behind the contact lens at its most basic.

From there, it was a natural progression to assume that a tube filled with water smacked directly against the eyeball would do something cool.The problem: Right on top of the eye meant no blinking allowed. [/cn]Other proposals included tubes held snug to the eyelids with a headband and capsules filled with "animal jelly." None were viable. None saw real-world testing.
