SHELDON: We should get to work.
PENNY: Wait,wait,why does it say "one-day rush"? Since when do we offer a one-day rush?
LEONARD: Amazon offers one-day rush.
PENNY: Yeah,but they don't have to glue the books together. How the hell are we going to make a thousand Penny Blossoms in one day?
LEONARD: Don't yell at me. I'm not manufacturing. I'm just Web design.
PENNY: Okay,well,I'm gonna have to call them and cancel the order.
SHELDON: Excuse me,but was this not your goal? Financial independence through entrepreneurial brilliance and innovation? My brilliance and innovation,of course,but still.
PENNY: I just don't see how we can pull this off.
SHELDON: That,right there,that equivocation and self-doubt,that is not the American spirit. Did Davy Crockett quit at the Alamo? Did Jim Bowie?
HOWARD: They didn't quit. They were massacred...by like a gazillion angry Mexicans.
SHELDON: Let me put it this way. Your gross receipts on this one order will be over $3,000 for one night's work.
PENNY: You guys get started.
LEONARD: What are you doing?
PENNY: Going online to buy shoes!
SHELDON: * She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes *
RAJ: You know,if I wanted to spend my Saturday nights doing this,I could have stayed in India.
HOWARD: Oh,stop with the fake third world crap. Your father's a gynecologist. And you had a house full of servants.
RAJ: We only had four servants. And two of them were children.
LEONARD: How we doing?
LEONARD: We have 128 assorted Penny Blossoms ready to ship.
HOWARD:Oh,God,we're never gonna finish in time.
RAJ: Who made Sheldon the boss anyway?
SHELDON: I believe I'm hearing some negativity on the factory floor.
SHELDON: Penny,the labor force is a living organism that must be carefully nurtured. Any counterproductive grumbling must be skillfully headed offby management. Observe. Less talk,more work!
PENNY: Nicely done.
SHELDON: Thank you. You hear any union talk,you let me know.
1. one-day rush加急服务,当天发货
2. pull off赢得;脱下;努力实现
Many will ask whether Mr. Obama can actually pull off the deficit reduction he promises. 许多人会问,奥巴马总统能否如他所承诺的那样真正减少财政赤字。
3. gross receipt收入总额;总收入款
4. living organism生命有机体生物体;活体
5. head off阻止;转移方向
Regulators are already acting to head off incipient problems. 监管部门已经开始行动,将问题消灭在萌芽阶段。