
Strawberry 草莓

广大MM都爱的一种水果。草莓除了外形可爱,口感酸酸甜甜,其实还有延缓衰老和抗癌的作用呢!(小编曰:作为拍照的道具也不错~衬托可 爱啊!!)西班牙和意大利的科学家在最近的研究中发现,在抗癌水果中,草莓的作用位居首位。新鲜草莓中含有一种奇妙的鞣酸物质,可在体内产生抗毒作用,阻止癌细胞的形成。

Spanish and Italian researchers fed 12 healthy volunteers half a kilo of strawberries over two weeks. The research has revealed that eating strawberries could help stave off ageing and even prevent cancer.Higher levels of antioxidants have been found to combat the effects of oxidative stress, lessening the effects of ageing and even the chances of contracting diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.





Kiwifruit 猕猴桃

猕猴桃含丰富的维生素,尤其是维生素C的含量之高是橘子的4-12倍,是苹果的30倍、葡萄的60倍。维 生素C可干扰黑色素生成,对消除痘痘很有效哦!这点小编深有体会,之前小编上大学的时候,痘痘不断,吃猕猴桃两年来,痘痘少了很多!(众人曰:你是过了青 春期好不好!)而且,猕猴桃中含有一种具有阻断人体内致癌的“亚硝胺”生成的活性物质,也具有抗癌作用。

Kiwifruit is a small fruit which packs a load of healthy nutrients. Kiwifruit are very delicious, and there are a number of vitamins and minerals available in this fruit. It is very high in vitamin C and it also contains potassium, vitamin A and vitamin E. The skin of the kiwifruit contains antioxidants so even though people usually discard this part of the kiwifruit they shouldn’t because it offers lots of health benefits.

Kiwifruit is also high in fiber making it a natural laxative. It is possible that there are a number of cardiovascular benefits to eating kiwifruit as it is a natural blood thinner which means it can naturally prevent blood clots and lowers the fat content in the blood to prevent blockages. Because kiwifruit contains lutein it can also be consumed to promote eye health.


Grapes 葡萄

小编在夏天最喜欢吃的就是葡萄了,将葡萄洗干净,然后一口一个,一秒以后,能吐出一个完整的葡萄皮外加籽,简单方 便不费手。还记得那个绕口令吗?吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,不吃葡萄吐葡萄皮。其实葡萄也是一种高营养的水果呢,葡萄可以减少血栓阻塞,降血压。葡萄皮中含有的花 青素和白藜芦醇都是天然抗氧化剂(看来以后小编葡萄皮也不吐了),也有抑癌功效,可抑制癌细胞恶变、破坏白血病细胞的复制能力。

Grapes are amazing fruits to include in your everyday diet. Due to the high amounts of polyphenols that can be found in them, benefits of eating grapes are plentiful and perhaps the most known health benefit is its pro-heart properties.

Studies reveal that eating grapes helps in increasing the nitric oxide production in your body. This in turn helps in decreasing clots from forming and clogging your blood vessels. Furthermore, eating grapes benefits your heart by stopping the LDL cholesterol in your system from being oxidized and becoming harmful to your heart and health.

It is a common belief that if you have high blood pressure or suffer from hypertension, drinking a glass of wine with your dinner is a good practice. It reduces the risk of death from hypertension-related disease.



Orange 橙子


The orange is one of the most common and popular fruit. It is well-liked because of its easy availability all year round, dense nutrition, and it tastes good.Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids. One orange (130 grams) supplies nearly 100 percent of the recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin C.

When you eat a whole orange, it provides good dietary fiber. Leave in the albedo (the white matter under the peel) as much as possible as the albedo contains the highest amount of valuable bioflavonoids and other anti-cancer agents.


Pear 梨


The pear is a sweet fruit that is said to be related to the apple. Its size is about that of an apple with several seeds in the core, like an apple. Among all the variety of pears, the Chinese pear is known to have the most medicinal values. But nonetheless, the other varieties are also healthful in their own right.

Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood pressure and stroke.The high vitamin C and copper content act as good anti-oxidants that protect cells from damages by free radicals. The high content of pectin in pears make it very useful in helping to lower cholesterol levels.


Apricot 杏子


The apricot has highly health-building virtues. The fresh fruit is rich in easily-digestible natural sugars, vitamins A and C, B2 and B3.The beta-carotene and lycopene in this golden fruit helps protect the LDL cholesterol from oxidation, which in turn helps prevent heart disease.

The apricot seed is a nut that is rich in protein and fat like any other nuts. It also has an extremely high content of vitamin B17 which is known as Laetrile. Daily consumption of this seed is claimed to be highly effective in preventing cancer. Cancer patients on Laetrile Cancer Therapy have reported that their tumors have shrunk with high doses of vitamin B17.