在刚刚过去的美国E3大展上,任天堂发布了下一代主机,命名为Wii U。Wii U的核心内容是一个附带6.2寸触摸屏的控制器,玩家可以使用控制器来和电视游戏互动。同时通过无线连接,可以将玩到一半的电视游戏转移到手柄上玩,大人和孩子再也不用抢电视机了。

Nintendo found lightning in a bottle with the Wii, and with the Wii U--the company’s upcoming console--it might have found the bottling plant. The Wii U builds on the barriers broken by the Wii and takes advantage of a touch-screen-equipped controller that offers you a new way to interact with games paired with a console capable of HD visuals.

As with the Wii, the controller is the heart of the Wii U. On the face of the controller you'll find a 6.2-inch touch screen (Nintendo declined to say whether it was multitouch capable). A stylus slides out of the controller for use on the touch screen (which makes us think it's based on resistive touch technology). The matte screen has great viewing angles and offers vivid colors and brightness, making it ideal for use by two people at the same time at very off angles. The pixel density seems to be high enough to put it on par with modern smartphones.

The controller is capable of playing games even if the TV is being used at the moment for something else, like watching shows. It's portable in a sense, but only within wireless reach of the main console, because all of the controller's visuals are generated by the console and then streamed to the controller.



E3大展:The Electronic Entertainment Expo的3个首字母E的组合。E3大展从1995年开始在美国举办,各国龙头游戏厂商都会在展会上展示最新的游戏机及相关的游戏产品。

Wii和Wii U的关系:Wii是目前任天堂的主力游戏机产品,于2006年开始发售,它配有专门的手柄,让人挥动手柄就可以玩游戏,被称为体感游戏机。Wii U是Wii的后一代产品,将于2012年发售。