I went blind after a traffic accident; hence I never know what my girl friend look like. She got cancer, and according to her last will, her corneas were given to me after she died. The first thing I did after I can see daylight was search for her photos, but I found only a blank photographic paper, on which wrote, “Stop trying to find out what I look like, my love. Try to find another girl instead. The next girl you fall in love with is what I look like. “


He is the groomsman of my wedding. Staring at the girl I’m going to marry, he walks with me into the hall. We bought the suits we are wearing together. I am nearly made cry by what he whispers to me, “See, we are walking down the aisle together.Finally.”

译者小注1:“walk down the aisle”不可以按照字面意思去理解,该短语意思特指“和某人步入婚姻殿堂”,此处一语双关。
译者小注2:make,let,have三个动词之后一般都只用原型,所以不可以说“make me to cry”。

The day we graduate, the monitor proposed the whole class gather round, and everyone write a secret on a piece pf paper, and pass the paper to the one sitting on the left side. Thus, every body shared a secret with another person, and got to know a secret of someone else. I sat on his left side deliberately, thinking that I had hidden my love to him for 4 years and had no guts to make a confession. Knowing one of his secret would at least be a comfort for me. Then came the paper with his secret on. There were only three words—I love you。

译者小注1:propose这个词后面无论什么情况都要用动词原形,因为后面默认的是propose someone (should) do something,should一般省略。
译者小注2:deliberately这个词也可换做on purpose或者intentionally,都是故意的意思。



