Hillary Takes First Step in 2008 Bid

Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton has taken the first step toward a 2008 White House bid that could make her the first woman president of the United States, she announced on her website.

"I'm in. And I'm in to win," Clinton, a former first lady now representing New York in the US Senate, said in a video on her site Saturday.

"Today I am announcing that I will form an exploratory committee to run for president.

"The stakes will be high when America chooses a new president in 2008.

"As a senator, I will spend two years doing everything in my power to limit the damage George W. Bush can do. But only a new president will be able to undo Bush's mistakes and restore our hope and optimism," said Clinton, 59.

"Only a new president can renew the promise of America -- the idea that if you work hard, you can count on the health care, education and retirement security that you need to raise your family. These are the basic values of America that are under attack from this administration every day."

She joins a field of six other Democratic hopefuls who have taken initial steps toward vying for their party's nomination to run for president in 2008, including fellow Senator Barack Obama. Seven Republicans have also taken early steps toward a bid for their own party's nomination.

Obama, with less political baggage, is likely to cast himself as the outsider. Clinton, a deeply polarizing figure, is the ultimate party insider and boasts more Washington experience.

exploratory:adj. 探险的, 探测的
senator:n. 参议员
under attack:被攻击
initial:adj. 最初的
vie for: 为…而竞争
boast:v. 自夸, 以有...而自豪

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新华网华盛顿1月20日电(记者 潘云召 杨晴川):来自纽约州的美国国会参议员希拉里•克林顿20日在其网站上发表声明宣布,她将成立一个为参加2008年总统竞选作准备的“探索性”委员会。



