【读书笔记】乔斯坦.贾德 - 《苏菲的世界》01下
A Novel About the History of Philosophy
by Jostein Gaarder
№.1 - You can’t experience being alive without realizing that you have to die, she thought. But it’s just as impossible to realize you have to die without thinking how incredibly amazing it is to be alive.
【语法提示】在这个长句中,“realizing that you have to die”和“thinking how incredibly amazing it is to be alive”都是分词短语作定语,通过否定形式的连词“without”来修饰相对应的逻辑主语。我们可以发现,分词短语用在句中比会比定语从句作定语显得更为简洁。
(1) 分词可与其宾语构成分词短语:
Following this road, you will find the bus stop.(要是沿着这条路走,你会找到车站。)
(2) 介词及其宾语作修饰语,可与前面的分词构成分词短语:
Walking along the street, he saw a bar.(他在街上走时,他看到了一个酒吧。)
(3) 副词作修饰语,可与前面的分词构成分词短语:
He came into the room laughing loudly.(他笑着走进屋子。)
(4) 表示某种时态或语态的分词也是分词短语:
Having graduated, he became a worker.(毕业后他当了工人。)
№.2 - She was startled to find that it contained another white envelope, exactly like the first. But the mailbox had definitely been empty when she took the first envelope! This envelope had her name on it as well. She tore it open and fished out a note the same size as the first one.
【短语笔记】tear … open - 拆;fish out - 打捞,掏出
【举一反三】表达“拆信”这个动作时, rip open the letter 以及 tear open a letter 都是可用的动词短语。
First it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed. (首先,垃圾要通过尖的金属棒,金属棒会把装垃圾的塑料袋弄破。)
Fishing out his pipe, he filled it and puffed at it without a word.(他掏出烟斗,装满烟丝,一言不发地抽了起来。)
№.3 - It was possible that space had always existed, in which case she would not also need to figure out where it came from. But could anything have always existed? Something deep down inside her protested at the idea. Surely everything that exists must have had a beginning? So space must sometime have been created out of something else.
【短语笔记】figure out - 弄清楚
【举一反三】同义短语为work out,例如:Can you work out the equity of company?(你能算出这个公司的资产净值吗?)
【例】They tried to figure out whether he left of his own free will or at the point of a gun. (他们试图弄清楚他是已抛弃了自己的自由意志还是在以死威胁。)
№.4 - And above all, how was she supposed to trace this Hilde person?
【短语笔记】be supposed to - conj. 应该(据说,被期望,获准)
【例】The test card was transmitted by television companies at times when viewers weren't supposed to be watching. (电视台会在用户收看电视的低峰时段传送图像测试卡。)
(本文由沪友 落落 独家提供,转载请注明出处。)
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