Sticky Monster Lab出品的动画短片“父亲The Father”,以其独特的创意,将父亲与儿子的人生浓缩在一本书中,翻开一本书,一边是父亲的故事,一边是儿子的人生,看完不禁让人有所感怀,我们一天天长大,父亲却在一天天的变老。


Sticky Monster Lab is a Creative Studio in Korea, founded in 2007 by 3 founding members from each different field (Motion graphic, Illustration and Festival managing) and now a Figure artist has joined on board as another official member.Sticky Monster Lab’s each member have their own profound experience and know-how, which is why the relation between them create the positive synergy effect and its unique and various strength helps them to overcome the limits of a regular small studio.
Sticky Monster Lab是韩国一个创意工作室,于2007年由三个分别来自动态影像设计等领域的成员组建而成,而今一位图像艺术家的加入为团队增添了新的成员。Sticky Monster工作室的每个成员都有各自丰富的经验以及技巧。也正因为此,空间不大的工作室环境以及各种限制等困难,都被他们独特、融洽的关系、以及成员间积极的协同一一克服了。


It's only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home – it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it.

There must always be a struggle between a father and son, while one aims at power and the other at independence.