TV Host Urges Starbucks to Leave Ancient City

A host of China Central Television urged Starbucks to withdraw its outlet from the Forbidden City because its existence spoils Chinese culture.

The Seattle-based world's largest coffee chain opened an outlet six years ago in the Forbidden City, the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient building complex in Chinese capital Beijing.

Rui Chenggang, a host of an English program on CCTV, said in his blog that the outlet humiliates Chinese culture and he has protested to Starbuck's chief executive and president to withdraw the outlet.

Many netizens followed his post and supported his idea, while Starbucks hasn't given a response.

Rui said the Starbucks in the Forbidden City has been a laughingstock of upper classes of western society, because in western people's opinion, Starbucks is not suitable to exist in upper-class places.

Rui said he met the CEO of Starbucks Jim Donald in a summit in Yale University, and suggested he withdraw the outlet in the Forbidden City, however, Donald said the decision was made by the former president.

Donald told Rui in a letter later that the Forbidden City invited Starbucks to open an outlet there six year ago, and the company will try its best to merge with the surroundings to protect Chinese culture.

Rui said he planned to write another letter to Donald, telling him that the company's withdrawal would win more respect and more money from the Chinese.

urge: vt. 催促, 力劝
withdraw: vt. 收回, 撤消
spoil: vt. 损坏, 搞糟
imperial: adj. 皇帝的
humiliate: v. 羞辱, 使丢脸
laughingstock:n.笑柄, 受人嘲笑者
merge: v. 合并, 并入

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