沪江英乐讯  Cortina这个声音温柔的男人用他的歌声诉说着爱,悠扬的音乐伴着动听的歌声,仿佛是一个温柔的怀抱,将我们拥入怀中。一种惬意、一种随意、一种放松的氛围...

Artist: Cortina
Song: Sound of A New Day

Wait, stay with me love
Do you really have to go, I wonder
You say you are leaving tomorrow
I wish I could borrow nothing you any goal
Don't fall asleep tonight my darling
Let's just stay awake
But if you fall please take me with you
Forever young dreams may it take you
Oh, I wish I could be there
But I'm going nowhere with you and I don't care
Please, just a little longer
It's making me stronger
Just know you are there...