大家有没有好奇,威廉王子和凯特的婚礼上,凯特手中持的新娘花束里都有些什么花呢?其中有一束花的名字,正好就叫Sweet William,诶,这不是威廉王子的名字么?Sweet William,好浪漫!

The bride's bouquet includes Sweet William, in a tribute to her new husband. Also included are lily-of-the-valley, hyacinth and myrtle.
凯特的花束里有一束美洲石竹,英文名碰巧就是Sweet William。其他花还有铃兰、风信子、长春花。

其实Sweet William意为美洲石竹,为什么会有这么别致的别名?

"Sweet William" is often said to honour the eighteenth century Prince William, Duke of Cumberland.
Sweet William这个名字据说是为了纪念18世纪的威廉王子,坎伯兰郡公爵。

Though this makes a nice story, it is entirely untrue. The English botanist John Gerard referred to Dianthus barbatus as "Sweete Williams" in his garden catalogue of 1596. It is speculated that the flower was named after Gerard's contemporary, William Shakespeare, but this would seem unlikely.
不过这只是传说,早在1596年植物学家John Gerard就将美洲石竹命名为Sweet William,据说是根据同时代莎士比亚的名字来的(William Shakespeare),不过这个说法似乎不是很可信。

It is also said to be named after Saint William of York or after William the Conqueror.

Another etymological derivation is that william is a corruption of the French oillet, meaning "little eye".