

见识到Kripke 机器人的厉害后, Sheldon还不死心说要把Monte打造地更强,结果他只是帮Monte换了电池而已, Kripke给机会让Sheldon认输,但是貌似Sheldon也是字典里没这两个字的人,硬磕到底了,结果…很惨…

RAJ: But,Sheldon,we don't have a chance.The only improvement you were able to make on the robot was to put fresh batteries in the remote.

SHELDON: What you fail to realize is Kripke suffers from a fatal flaw: overconfidence from his robot's massive size and its overwhelming power.

RAJ: That's not overconfidence. That's observation.

SHELDON: Trust me,Kripke will fall easy prey to my psychological warfare. Observe. Kripke. I would ask if your robot is prepared to meet its maker, but as you are its maker, clearly the two of you have met.

KRIPKE: What is his problem?

RAJ: Way to bust out the Jedi mind tricks, dude.

LEONARD: I just want to make sure that we're all clear. Standard robotic fighting league rules apply.

KRIPKE: Are you crazy? This is a street fight. The street has no rules.

SHELDON: He's right, Leonard. The paradigm is to the death.

KRIPKE: I will, however, give you the opportunity to concede my superiority now and offer me your robot as the spoils of war.

SHELDON: Never. I'd rather see Monte dead than in your hands.

KRIPKE: That could be easily arranged. Ready, set,go?



1. suffer from忍受,遭受;患…病;受…之苦
eg: The World Health Organization says more than one hundred twenty million people worldwide suffer from depression.

2. fall prey to成为...的牺牲品;深受...之害;  easy prey1. 容易猎取的动物;头脑简单的人,轻信的人;容易受骗的人,容易上钩的受害者
eg: Don't fall prey to these fallacious messages.

3. psychological warfare心理战

4. bust out因考试不及格被大学等开除;突然开始,突然…起来(busted out crying);逃出,脱逃,摆脱,冲出

5. mind trick迷幻摇滚, 心灵控制

6. the spoils of war战利品
eg: And Rome's economy was thriving thanks to the spoils of war and the riches of nature.