Usually it is the face of a deity that turns up in food products, but days before the Royal wedding a man has claimed he has spotted the face of Kate Middleton in a Jelly bean. The bride-to-be's long hair, strong facial features and her smile can be picked out in the yellow sweet which is covered in red blotches. Wesley Hosie, 25, spotted the perfectly formed face as he ate his way through a jar of the beans.
前日,威廉王子与凯特前往一个学校看望在校学生作为他们在订婚阶段的最后一个在媒体前露面的机会,随着在威斯敏斯特大教堂的婚礼大幕即将拉开,越来越多关于婚礼的花边新闻层出不穷,即便是一颗很普通的糖豆!据悉,有一位24岁的年轻英国人Jessica White与自己男朋友在吃糖豆的时候,发现其中一颗糖豆的外面上有“酷似”凯特的肖像画。

The pair kept the 'lucky' bean and now plan to sell it on eBay for 500 pounds. Final preparations are underway for the Prince William and Kate Middleton's big day on April 29. Wesley said: 'As Jessica opened the jar, I saw her immediately. She was lying there staring back at me. 'Given that the Royal Wedding is only a few weeks' away, we hope to make a few pounds out of it by selling it on the internet to a collector.' Richard Cullen, joint Managing Director for the Jelly Bean Factory in Dublin, who is yet to see the bean, said: 'This sounds truly incredible, I would have to see the bean myself to believe it! 'All of our beans are handmade and this looks like one of our red speckled Mango beans, the natural speckles are unique to each and every jelly bean due to the handmade process.'