
【英文解释】insipidly or sentimentally childish

【中文解释】a. 无病呻吟的, 矫饰的, 性格软弱的
n. 无病呻吟的诗文(或言语), 矫饰, 娇媚, 性格软弱的人

【短语来源】The nickname of the minor poet Ambrose Philips(1674-1749) which was invested by one of his fellow writers, probably the dramatist Henry Carey whose Namby Pamby(1726)ridiculed Philip's pastoral poems. The nickname is of earlier date, however, and was based on the poet's Christian name and the infantable style of some poems he had written for children. In the closely knit and backbiting literary world of early 18th century London the sobriquet would rapidly have become common knowledge; by the middle of the century it was standard English with its modern sense.

源自 Namby-Pamby ,针对安布罗斯·菲利普斯(1674-1749)的诗歌的讽刺,由亨利·凯瑞('87?-743年)著。
这个单词源于安布罗斯·菲利普斯的名字,这个小有名气的诗人写的作品曾遭8世纪另两名诗人——亚历山大·波普和他的朋友亨利·凯瑞尖锐的批评,他们的批评出于政治观点的不同及文学竞争,事实上与菲利普斯的诗的性质并无多大关系。在取笑攻击菲利普斯写的一些孩子们的诗时,凯瑞用绰号Namby Pamby :所以护士们的芳心被Namby Pamby的小酸诗打动了。波普接着在他的讽刺长诗《群愚史诗》中沿用此名。凯瑞所创造的新词的前一部分来自Amby 或 Ambrose.Pamby 重复了其声音及形式,但加上了菲利普斯的首字母。这种重复过程叫做重复。当namby-pampy 被波普推广后,人们逐渐用它表示乏味的、伤感的或虚弱的人或物。

【有例有句】Don't be namby-pamby!
