Princess Diana's Death An Accident: Police Probe

A permanent memorial to Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi al-Fayed is pictured in the Harrods store in London in August 2006, on the ninth anniversary of their death. [Photo: AFP]

A British police inquiry, seeking to bury almost a decade of conspiracy theories, on Thursday ruled that Princess Diana was not the victim of a murder plot but had died in a tragic car accident.

"I'm satisfied that no attempt has been made to hold back information and we are confident that the allegations made are unfounded," former police chief John Stevens said after a three-year probe into Diana's death in a Paris road tunnel in August 1997.

The wreckage of the car which was transporting Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed in 1997. The pair died after the car was involved in a fatal high-speed crash in a Paris tunnel. The long-awaited report into the death of Diana is expected to refute conspiracy theories and confirm a French probe that it was an accident. [Photo: AFP/File]

Her death unleashed a string of conspiracy theories that British spies or even her ex-husband, heir-to-the-throne Britain's Prince Charles, had plotted to stage the accident because the couple's relationship was embarrassing the royal family.

The top-level police investigation was ordered by former Royal Coroner Michael Burgess in January 2004 when he opened a British inquest into Diana's death.

Stevens, who headed London's police force, spent almost three years investigating what happened, interviewing Charles for several hours as part of his inquiry which he said aims to draw a line under the issue.

conspiracy:n. 共谋, 阴谋
hold back:v. 隐瞒
allegation:n. 断言, 辩解
probe:vt. 探查, 查明
stage: vt. 安排和进行
embarrassing:adj. 令人为难的

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中新网伦敦12月14日电 英国警方14日中午将公布英国戴安娜王妃与男友多迪死亡的调查报告。13日,报告内容已先交给戴安娜的两名爱子威廉与哈利王子过目,死因倾向是意外致死。



