(Yuko Yamaguchi 3月14日更新的个人博客截图)

之前谣传说Hello Kitty设计师死于日本地震。经过沪江小编们求证,发现她今日刚刚更新了个人博客并上传照片。所以基本可以确认安然无恙,并未如传言所说在地震中丧生。(除非是为了平定大家的情绪由经纪人上传之类之类……请无视小编乌鸦嘴……)

There's a rumor on Twitter so persistent that it's caused "Satoshi Tajiri," the creator of the game Pokemon (pictured), to become a Twitter Trend over the assertion that he, as well as "Hello Kitty" character creator Yuko Yamaguchi died.
日本地震后Twitter上一度传言说游戏“神奇宝贝”的创建人与Hello kitty的设计师Yuko Yamaguchi一起在地震中遇难。

Both Satoshi Tajiri and Yuko Yamaguchi are still alive.

Additionally, the blog reports: Satoshi Tajiri,45 years old live in Machida, Tokyo. Satoshi Tajiri fainted while seeing the destruction done by the Tsunami but he is not dead.
此外有报道称,神奇宝贝游戏创建人Satoshi Tajiri实际上是在目睹海啸造成巨大危害时因震惊而晕倒。

In the case of Ms. Yamaguchi, there's no evidence or reports of her death in the Japan Earthquake or the Tsunami.
而Hello Kitty的设计师Yamaguchi也并未被证实已经死亡。

For reasons that add up to insensitive mischief, Twitter has been a consistent source for rumors of the death of celebrities, and in the wake of the fifth largest earthquake in history, someone elected to play on fears and launch tweets that have turned out to be a hoax.