沪江英乐讯   Brazzaville,来自洛杉矶的一只乐队,曲风清爽宜人,这首Peach Tree开头的旋律弥漫着暖暖的春意,随即转入亲切简单的男声吟唱,清晨起来的时候适合听这首歌,顿时觉得这一天都被染上了清醒的浅绿色调。

Song:Peach Tree

A thought occurred to me
Lying underneath a peach tree
A moment in the sun

Our funny little lives are so brief
Our frail little bones
We’re here and then we’re gone
Sometimes the lonely days
Turn into the lonely decades
Old ladies on their own

The world they knew has drifted away
Like little puffs of smoke
We’re here and then we’re gone