

中国很多地区依然保留着传统的茶馆文化,尤其是在四川省的省会成都,茶馆遍布城市的各个角落:路边、桥下、公园里,甚至寺院和其他历史景点内。泡茶馆(relaxing in the teahouse)是当地市民最喜欢的消遣方式之一。工作日的下午三点钟,茶馆里往往座无虚席。当地人坐在古色古香的竹椅里,所用的茶具本身可能也是古色古香的。服务人员托着一大堆茶具急匆匆地跑来跑去,将长嘴壶(long-spout kettle)里倒出来的水注满茶杯,为顾客冲泡最优质的茶叶。


Traditional teahouse culture still exists in many parts of China. Especially in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, teahouses are everywhere: on the sides of roads, under bridges, in parks and even inside temples and other historical sites. Relaxing in the teahouse is one of the favorite pastimes of the locals in Chengdu. A teahouse full to the brim—at three o’clock on a workday afternoon—is nothing out of the ordinary. The local people sit in quaint bamboo chairs and drink from traditional tea sets that could well be quaint themselves. Teahouse waiters scurry around with an array of tea sets, and fill teacups with hot water poured from long-spout kettles to brew up the highest-quality tea for tea drinkers.