筷子由两根长短相同的棍子组成,是中国的传统餐具(eating utensil)。筷子出现在3 000多年前,它的出现不仅开启了中国烹饪文化的变革,也是人类文明的标志。此外,筷子对烹饪技巧的发展也起着推动作用。如今,筷子不仅是一种餐具,还成为一种独特的文化形式,对于我们来说,筷子可以作为艺术品来欣赏、研究和收藏。筷子虽小,但仍受到世界上许多人的推崇。一项有趣的实验表明,当你在使用筷子的时候,许多关节和肌肉都会得到锻炼。
Chopsticks, the traditional eating utensils in China, are a pair of sticks of equal length. Chopsticks appeared more than 3 000 years ago. The appearance of chopsticks not only starts a revolution of Chinese cuisine culture, but it is also a symbol of human civilization. Besides, chopsticks have promoted the development of cooking techniques. Today, chopsticks are not only a kind of tableware, but also have become a unique form of culture, coming in front of us as a work of art for appreciation, research and collection. Chopsticks are small, but they are adored by many people in the world. An interesting experiment shows that many joints and muscles can be exercised when you use chopsticks.