1. The time is set for next Saturday.
含义: 这句话直接表明了时间已经被确定,安排在下周六。
例句: “The time is set for next Saturday, so make sure you mark your calendar.”
2. We’ve scheduled it for next Saturday.
含义: 这句话表示已经安排好了,计划在下周六进行。
例句: “We’ve scheduled the meeting for next Saturday afternoon.”
3. It’s planned for next Saturday.
含义: 这句话意味着某事已经计划好了,预定在下周六进行。
例句: “The event is planned for next Saturday evening, starting at 7 PM.”
4. We’re aiming for next Saturday.
含义: 这句话表示尽力安排在下周六,但可能还有一些细节需要确认。
例句: “We’re aiming for next Saturday, but we’ll confirm the exact time later.”
5. Next Saturday is the chosen date.
含义: 这句话表明已经选择了下周六作为特定活动或事件的日期。
例句: “Out of all the available options, next Saturday is the chosen date for the party.”
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