

乌鸦和狐狸的英文原版故事名称为 “The Crow and the Fox” 或者 “The Crow and the Fox Fable”,它是法国诗人拉封丹的作品。这个故事以简洁而优雅的语言描述了乌鸦误信狐狸的谎言的故事。


Once upon a time, a clever Fox saw a Crow sitting on a tree branch, holding a piece of cheese in her beak. The Fox, known for its cunning, wanted to deceive the Crow. With a mischievous smile, the Fox said, “Dear Crow, you have such a beautiful voice. I am sure it is as magnificent as your feathers. Would you mind sharing your song with me?”


The Crow, flattered by the Fox’s words, couldn’t resist showing off her voice. She opened her beak and let out a loud caw. As the Crow sang, the cheese fell from her beak onto the ground.


The Fox quickly grabbed the cheese and, with a triumphant smirk, said, “Dear Crow, your voice is truly enchanting! It matches your magnificent appearance. However, now that I have witnessed your talent, I realize that you are not only beautiful but also foolish.”


The Crow, realizing her foolishness, felt ashamed and regretful. She learned an important lesson that day: never to trust flattery from those with deceitful intentions.




